Have you ever listened to a tune and said, man I wish I had that ringtone! ?If you have an iPhone and iTunes, you can convert your iTunes track into a ringtone very easily. This will probably work with other handsets too, but I have an iPhone and I know it works well with it. […]
In one of my earlier posts?Flex and Red5 simple demo, I demonstrated how to broadcast messages from Red5 server to all subscribed Flash clients and vice versa. This feature of Red5 open source Flash streaming server continues to impress me and I think everyone with a bit of AS3 and Java knowledge should take advantage […]
I just stumbled upon?30 Fantastic Geeky Tricks To Get The Most From Your Mac?and I thought I’d write down a couple of tricks I found useful. Recent Items Stack Type this in terminal window to show a stack of your ‘recent applications’. defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-others -array-add '{ "tile-data" = { "list-type" = 1; }; […]
What’s so cool about Flex framework is the fact that it’s very extensible, which allows me to do almost anything I want with it. For example, to remove folder/arrow icons from Flex Tree control, which prevents nodes from collapsing and also creates more space for labels, you can add the following in your stylesheet: defaultLeafIcon: […]
I have just set up Apache Tomcat startup script on Snow Leopard and I thought I’d blog about it while it’s still fresh in my head.? Assuming you have installed Tomcat in /usr/local/tomcat directory, you can do the following to start Tomcat on system startup. 1. Create your startup script: sudo nano /usr/local/tomcat/bin/tomcat #!/bin/sh # […]
I’ve had problems starting up MySQL database server on startup on Snow Leopard. ?MySQL preference pane seems to be flaky and it often fails to start MySQL server. I created this startup script myself and it seems to work nicely. sudo nano /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mysql.mysqld.plist <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> […]
Following my post on?Zen Cart friendly URLs, I would now like to give?VirtueMart?some love. I’ve been looking for ways to export Categories and Products from?Zen Cart?and bulk insert them into VirtueMart.? Wishful thinking? That’s what I thought after googling for a solution and couldn’t find anything that’s convincing and, of course, free. This motivated me […]
I’ve been exploring Zen Cart shopping cart for a long time and one thing that, I thought, needed improvement was the support for friendly URLs.?Ultimate SEO URLs?break my site and I needed another solution. I found this little beauty called?Simple SEO URL?and it works beautifully.? It’s a little tricky to set up, but it’s worth […]
I’ve been quiet on the blog front for a while. ?I was having a rough time scuba diving in the tropics and so on… Now back to business. I’ve been working on migrating our core Flex 3 app to Flex 4. ?One of the problems I encountered was embedding an external swf file into the […]
This is a useful tip for my reference.? I’ve been creating some startup scripts on my Ubuntu server lately and her are a couple of steps required to get this working. Write your startup script and place it in /etc/init.d/ directory. Let’s say you called your startup script – myScript.? You then install your script […]
HandBrake?is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. It is my tool of choice when it comes to backing up my DVDs. It allows me to shrink DVDs to a relatively small size and convert them to a web-playable format, such as mp4. I use the Command Line […]
I would like to welcome my dear sister to the blogosphere – the?yellowtrace blog.? She has been blogging for about a month and I’m amazed with the number of ideas and thoughts she has shared in such a short period of time.? I find her blog posts very inspiring even though we have completely different […]
I’ve been using?Red5 Flash Streaming Server?for a while and the more I use it, the better I like it.? Sure,?Adobe Flash Media Server?is an excellent commercial product which does the same thing and supports server-side ActionScript.? Red5 doesn’t support server-side ActionScript at the moment (this will probably change), but it is an open source Flash […]
Occasionally I find .svn directories in my old projects that are not in Subversion.? The quickest way to recursively remove them is to run the following command: find . -name .svn -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf You need to cd into your project directory before running it. You can also run the command to […]
Couple of months ago I installed Tigase server on my laptop and it was working beautifully until this morning.? I’ve installed quite a few major OS updates on my laptop since then and I must’ve done something to upset Tigase.? I visited?Tigase Website?to download a fresh copy of the server and see what the command […]
This is another one for my reference. I’ve had to generate a self-signed SSL certificate quite a few times and I’m sure I’ll do it again in future. First of all, self-signed SSL certificates provide the same level of security as any other commercial ones, such as Verisign certs. The 2 main differences are: 1. […]
I’m writing this one for my own reference because almost everything I do for work, is done through SSH port forwarding. If you’re not familiar with SSH port forwarding, you’ll have to read up on it elsewhere. And the reason why we use SSH port forwarding is because it is secure and powerful. I generally […]
Following my post on Snow Leopard Gotchas, I discovered another problem you might run into. SL comes with currently the latest version of PHP 5.3.0. However, not all PHP projects will play nice on v5.3.0. What you could do is: 1. build and configure an older version of PHP from source – e.g. 5.2.11 2. […]
I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard from 10.5 and everything went relatively smoothly. I was particularly pleased to see extra 13GB of hard drive space. However, I noticed a couple of things that I wasn’t so pleased about: Apache unable to start PHP disabled MySQL unable to start I’ve already walked a couple of people […]
I’ve been thinking about blogging for a few years now and one of the main reasons for my hesitation was the commitment. These days, I feel a lot more settled 🙂 and I feel that I should start contributing to the community, which has been very helpful to me and my professional career. For those […]