Howto Install New Relic on Localhost

Howto Install New Relic on Localhost

I’m sure you’ve all used or at least heard of New Relic application monitoring tool. If you haven’t, you’ve been living in a cave for the last couple of years 🙂 It’s a great tool for pinpointing bottlenecks in your application. However, most people have this tool installed on their production systems only. What if […]

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Mysql-bin files too large – solved

Mysql-bin files too large – solved

Newrelic?is an application monitoring tool that truly is developer’s best friend. It’s such a true statement. ?I’ve used Newrelic to pinpoint and successfully troubleshoot numerous applications. ?I’ve recently switched all database tables from MyISAM to InnoDB for a couple of reasons that are outside the scope of this post. What came to my intention is […]

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