Archive by category PHP

Howto Install New Relic on Localhost

Howto Install New Relic on Localhost

I’m sure you’ve all used or at least heard of New Relic application monitoring tool. If you haven’t, you’ve been living in a cave for the last couple of years 🙂 It’s a great tool for pinpointing bottlenecks in your application. However, most people have this tool installed on their production systems only. What if […]

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Test Driven Development with PHP

Test Driven Development with PHP

Testing is a hot subject in the PHP world. It is not because testing hasn’t been around for eons, but more because the community is still pretty reluctant to accept it, and use in each and every project they may encounter. Main reasons for that might be that the adoption of newer PHP versions are […]

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Compile PHP pcntl module on OS X Lion

Compile PHP pcntl module on OS X Lion

I had some trouble compiling pcntl PHP module on OS X Lion so I thought I’d share this solution. In fact, you can use these steps to compile any other PHP module. First download the latest php source from PHP.NET cd into your php src directory, then: cd ext/pcntl phpize ./configure --enable-pcntl When I ran […]

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Increase PHP file upload limit

I tried uploading a large file from Flash to php back end and got the following error: PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 18348279 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes It’s self explanatory, my PHP installation by default only allows up to 8MB of data to be uploaded to the server. To solve this you […]

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