Flash to Flex ComponentEvent coercion error solved

Today I had an interesting problem embedding a swf file compiled in Flash Professional CS3 into Flash Builder 4. My SWF file contained a Flash TextArea component, which dispatches a ComponentEvent when scroll bars are activated. This event resulted in the following error in Flex: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert fl.events::ComponentEvent@1b06b4c1 to […]

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Removing default icons from Flex Tree control

What’s so cool about Flex framework is the fact that it’s very extensible, which allows me to do almost anything I want with it. For example, to remove folder/arrow icons from Flex Tree control, which prevents nodes from collapsing and also creates more space for labels, you can add the following in your stylesheet: defaultLeafIcon: […]

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Flex and Red5 simple demo

I’ve been using?Red5 Flash Streaming Server?for a while and the more I use it, the better I like it.? Sure,?Adobe Flash Media Server?is an excellent commercial product which does the same thing and supports server-side ActionScript.? Red5 doesn’t support server-side ActionScript at the moment (this will probably change), but it is an open source Flash […]

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