Nginx SSL configuration

Nginx SSL configuration

The following Nginx SSL configuration gives me PCI compliance as well as protection against BEAST attacks. This configuration also ensures that forward secrecy is applied in the SSL layer. More information on forward secrecy here. So this is what my typical few lines of SSL configuration would look like in Nginx vhost: server { listen […]

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WordPress Nginx Permalinks Rewrite

WordPress Nginx Permalinks Rewrite

I have just spent quite a bit of time migrating old permalinks on client’s blog from “Day and Name” permalink structure to “Post name” permalink structure. The website is powered by Nginx webserver and I was looking for a simple WordPress Nginx Permalinks Rewrite that will do this for me. After digging through the Nginx […]

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Scaling WordPress in Amazon Cloud

Scaling WordPress in Amazon Cloud

Scaling WordPress is something I’ve been studying for a long time. By nature, WordPress isn’t designed to run on multiple servers unless you do some re-architecting on the server-side. Finally I’ve found a way to scale WordPress elastically and on demand. ?What I’m about to share has worked for me personally and I don’t guarantee […]

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How to install latest Nginx on Ubuntu

How to install latest Nginx on Ubuntu

Ubuntu doesn’t always keep up with the latest stable releases of Nginx. To install latest Nginx on Ubuntu I normally follow these steps: Step 1 Add latest stable release distro to Ubuntu sources file in /etc/apt/sources.list. Replace ‘precise’ with your Ubuntu version: echo 'deb precise nginx' >> /etc/apt/sources.list Step 2 Add public key from […]

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