Increase PHP file upload limit

I tried uploading a large file from Flash to php back end and got the following error: PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 18348279 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes It’s self explanatory, my PHP installation by default only allows up to 8MB of data to be uploaded to the server. To solve this you […]

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Zen Cart Friendly URLs

I’ve been exploring Zen Cart shopping cart for a long time and one thing that, I thought, needed improvement was the support for friendly URLs.?Ultimate SEO URLs?break my site and I needed another solution. I found this little beauty called?Simple SEO URL?and it works beautifully.? It’s a little tricky to set up, but it’s worth […]

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Snow Leopard Gotchas

I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard from 10.5 and everything went relatively smoothly. I was particularly pleased to see extra 13GB of hard drive space. However, I noticed a couple of things that I wasn’t so pleased about: Apache unable to start PHP disabled MySQL unable to start I’ve already walked a couple of people […]

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