Hello Computer

I’ve been thinking about blogging for a few years now and one of the main reasons for my hesitation was the commitment. These days, I feel a lot more settled 🙂 and I feel that I should start contributing to the community, which has been very helpful to me and my professional career.

For those of you who don’t know me, I come from an engineering background. I graduated from the University of Technology, Sydney in 2003 with a Computer Systems Engineering degree under my belt. I currently work at Mamamia as a Systems Architect and Tech Lead and I feel very privileged to work in a small team of awesome people. I occasionally do a bit of work for markomedia when I hear someone say “Hey Marko, I need a Website”.

I have a strong passion for web technologies and in this blog I will be sharing my web experiences with the world. I specialise in open source software, and lately I’ve been embracing WordPress CMS?and Amazon Web Services platform. My interests in life are quite diverse, but web stuff is probably the only one worth blogging about. Having said that, don’t be surprised if occasionally I blog about a 3 metre shark I came head-to-head with on my regular weekend dive.

Stay tuned