Pebble Watch – Ultimate Tech Gadget

I spoke to one of my colleagues the other day and he told me about the pebble watch and how awesome it was. ?I’m always on the lookout for new tech gadgets and ?the pebble watch is now right on top of my wish list. ?I found this great video on Vimeo which sums it up very nicely. ?Imagine a watch that can integrate with your iOS or Android device? ?I’m sold. How about you?

Excerpt from the Pebble Watch video channel

Pebble watch is the innovative and customizable Bluetooth watch that seamlessly brings information from iOS and Android devices to your wrist. Pebble is Kickstarter’s most successful crowdfunding project ever: earning more than $10.2 million from more than 68,000 backers. Pebble’s exclusive retail launch partnership with Best Buy will help satisfy strong demand, expanding the user base for its app ecosystem.