Sudo access to a user in Linux

Sudo access to a user in Linux

The following command will give sudo access to a user on a linux machine: sudo printf "myuser ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL\n# User rules for myuser\nmyuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\n" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/myuser > /dev/null && sudo chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/myuser Where myuser is the username you are granting privileges to. The command will also apply the correct […]

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Batch Resize Photos with Image Magic

Batch Resize Photos with Image Magic

I’m currently working on migrating a large publishing website form Drupal to WordPress and one of the things that occurred to me was that WordPress generates 3 sizes for each image that’s uploaded into Media Library. However, our Drupal website only contains a single image. To make the media library work nicely in WordPress we’ve […]

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Upload file(s) via SSH using SCP

Here’s another useful command line utility – Secure Copy or SCP, that allows you to securely transfer computer files between a local and a remote host. sudo scp localfile.dmg remoteuser(at) Much neater that using an SFTP client no? Thanks to my work colleague Luke for bringing this to my attention 🙂 Marko

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